

Song of the day: I'll stand by you - The Pretenders

I think this is the best friendship song I've ever heard... People need to listen to the words "I'm here for you", only if it's not just words flying in the air. "I'll stand by you"...


Song of the day : "L' amour est bleu" - Vicky

Skies are still blue in this part of the world, despite the clouds. September rain has made the scenery look so clear and bright...

So let's move back to 1968...


Song of the day: "Shout to the top"

Since it's election day in Greece today, a song dedicated to all the voters, back from the 80s, but always meaningful... "Shout to the top" by the Style Council, a real diamond!


Song of the day: "Pas la" - Vianney

Where are you? Not here... A truly tender song, and a very sensitive interpretation by the talented Mr. Vianney from France... Ideal for these September sunny days...


Song of the day: "C' est en Septembre"

A nostalgic  French song from 1970s, performed by Gilbert Becaud. Listen to the magic... just to remember it's September, maybe the sweetest month of autumn, just waving goodbye to summer and welcoming rainy and chilly days... Well, have you ever tried the September sea?